Handtevy Pre-Hospital Pediatric Provider Course (6-hours)
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Course Overview
The Handtevy Pre-Hospital Pediatric Provider Course is an 8-hour live lecture and hands-on course that is intended to instruct providers in the science and use of the Handtevy Pre-Hospital Pediatric System. The course uses the basic tenets of ACLS training as the foundation while still covering the basic pediatric ALS principles and nuances. The course focuses on the skills needed to rapidly and accurately treat the sick and injured pediatric patient and is intended to be used with the Handtevy Pediatric System.
Course Content
- Key principles in pediatric advanced life support geared towards pre-hospital providers
- Systematic approach to pediatric assessment with a scientific explanation of the difficulties associated with pediatric care
- Overcoming the emotional hurdles associated with pre-hospital pediatric care
- Recognition and management of respiratory, shock, and cardiac emergencies
- Medication principles including dosing, administration, and error prevention
- Effective communication as a member and leader of a pre-hospital team
Course Pre-Requisites
Provider candidates must be currently certified Paramedics and have advanced life support certification (ACLS or equivalent) prior to registration.
Course Cost
Course cost is $50 per person, payable through CIEMSD. Payment includes all course materials, lunch, and 8.0 CE’s in Pediatrics.
** Please plan on arriving by 08:15 for registration, intro to course materials **
For more information
Mike Cardwell, Assistant Chief, Urbandale FD